Browse Faculty

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Cross Listed Courses MH UOFAB-MH-XLIST Department
Department of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine UOFAB-MH-ANAESTHES Department
Department of Biochemistry UOFAB-MH-BIOCHEM Department
Department of Biomedical Engineering UOFAB-MH-BIOMED_ENG Department
Department of Cell Biology UOFAB-MH-CELL_BIOL Department
Department of Dentistry UOFAB-MH-ORAL_HLTH Department
Department of Family Medicine UOFAB-MH-FAMILY_MED Department
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology UOFAB-MH-LABMED_PAT Department
Department of Medical Genetics UOFAB-MH-MED_GENET Department
Department of Medical Microbiology & Immunology UOFAB-MH-MICBIO_IMM Department
Department of Medicine UOFAB-MH-MEDICINE Department
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology UOFAB-MH-OBST_GYN Department
Department of Oncology UOFAB-MH-ONCOLOGY Department
Department of Ophthalmology UOFAB-MH-OPTHALM Department
Department of Paediatrics UOFAB-MH-PAEDS Department
Department of Pharmacology UOFAB-MH-PHARMACOL Department
Department of Physiology UOFAB-MH-PHYSIOLOGY Department
Department of Psychiatry UOFAB-MH-PSYCHIATRY Department
Department of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging UOFAB-MH-RADIOL_DI Department
Department of Surgery UOFAB-MH-SURGERY Department
Division of Anatomy UOFAB-MH-ANATOMY Department
Division of Medical Laboratory Science UOFAB-MH-MED_LAB_SC Department
Division of Studies in Medical Education UOFAB-MH-PGME Department
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry UOFAB-MH-MH Department
Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute UOFAB-MH-NMHI Department
Resource Courses MH UOFAB-MH-RES Department
University Centre for Neuroscience UOFAB-MH-NEUROSCI Department

Lists linked to Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Title Sort by title Term Last updated Sort by last updated
ANAT 305 LEC-A1 Cross-Sectional Anatomy Fall 2024 24/07/2024 17:11:39